Milford Sounds

Up early this morning for the 2 hour drive from our camp to Milford Sounds. Strange situation where you have a road 120km long that ends up in a Fiord and that’s about it! Anyway needed to be away at a good time to beat the coaches, which we did nicely .

Milford Sounds itself is basically a big lake that ends up in the sea created by a glacier. The sides of the cliff either side are stupidly high and you really get no senses of how big until a little waterfall is over 500ft high. Some of the cliffs are over a mile high! You see all this from a boat that wanders along the sound to the sea and back; along the way seals can be seen as well which is nice

Returned after a cuppa back the same 2 hours and grabbed some good and beer in the supermarket. Li cooked dinner; huge mussels! And finally spent an hour playing with toilet waste as it decided to pour all over the shower; lovely

2 thoughts on “Milford Sounds

  1. Keeping an eye on what you are up to. Glad you are enjoying yourselves.
    How did you manage to get poo all over the shower. Does it empty from the inside?
    Keep posting and we will keep watching.
    Love Mum & Dad

    • t’s a system that relies on two rubber rings being in good contact, Think the cartridge moved as we traveled so liquid was able to slip between and into the shower. Lesson learnt to check after moving!

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