Victoria Peak

Given the past few days of lots of walking and not a huge amount of sleep it seemed like a good idea to let Rebecca and Li to sleep in this morning; so life today started around lunch time!

Quick lunch was closely followed by the key success of finding a SIM card finally that could go into the mobile WiFi gadget, happy about this as we’re speeding far too long mincing about looking for free WiFi signals. Plus everyone’s been telling us that it’s just not possible in Hong Kong unless you’re on a contract.  This done we headed straight up to the team station for Victoria Peak


Not as crowded as we’ve seen before thankfully and Rebecca was excited to be on the tram up the big hill. Out at the top and straight into a coffee shop to get a break and then outside to get some photos.  Entire peak has changed since being here last time with now a large viewing area on top of the main, new shopping centre but all looked a bit expensive so headed outside instead!. Nice photos, dim sum, ice cream and everyone’s happy!


Dinner was a treat from Shirley and Wai in a private restaurant, members only, and was quite different to a lot of the other food out here and very nice.  Home and Li decided to get Rebecca to give her a massage; given the locals that are hanging around our hotel, offering “massages” as I found out last night, then please note that if Rebecca has an alternative career choice when she’s older, then it’s Li’s fault.

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