Everglades Alligator Farm

Checked out of our hotel, Tony hired a nice convertible silver Chrysler for the rest of our trip in Florida. It took nearly 2 hours to drive down to the Everglades; we found a visitor centre which an old lady called M.C was ever so helpful.

By the time we checked in to our hotel, we had been sunburnt on our arms and neck from just travelling in the car; the sun was ever so hot. After plying on high factor sun cream and covered up, we made our way to the Everglades Alligator Farm.

We saw lots of alligators, crocodiles and snakes. We went on an air boat, the noise from the propellers were ever so noisy. There were several shows on showing snakes and alligators; we both got an opportunity to hold and touch them.

Decided to stop off at Walmart for a few items, it makes Tesco look like a corner shop. We picked up things including snorkelling equipment, 100% deet sprays, mosquito head covers and even a life jacket for Li!!

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