Moving Islands

Before I start I wanted to remember to write that we’ve discovered that Rebecca knows her own name and has done for a while now; we just didn’t realise. Putt Putt is how she says it so we can be forgiven I think for not realising this, but it is 100% how she says Rebecca!

Anyway, getting up at the crack of dawn this more made it all too clear that we made a good decision last night in getting to Picton. Away for the 8am sailing and after an un-eventful sailing, except Rebecca redecorating the table, we arrived 3.5 hours later at Wellington. It’s not really that far but by Christ the boat minces along like you’d not believe.

Quick stop at the Natural History Museum in Wellington to see the only Colossus Squid in the world (which I suppose was quite large, but expected bigger) and we left heading north for Napier. 200 miles, and the only thing of interest was the biggest, seriously huge Chinese takeaway you’ve ever seen. One rice, one chow mien and with two platefuls we’ve only eaten about 25%. Best value in NZ we’ve seen so far. Good campsite in Napier, now going to have a beer and chill for a bit; lots of wine tasting to do tomorrow!
