Arriving in Hong Kong

With Rebecca just coming out of chicken pox and William with his foot & mouth, hopes for a nice peaceful flight had gone already. Add i it happens it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Rebecca as we now expect was excellent just sitting watching the tv onboard, hours of Peppa Pig can’t be a bad thing, and William thankfully didn’t have a complete meltdown as he had been having for the past 2 weeks So, in fact William’s first flight was not to bad at all, obviously helped by the beer, wine and free flowing whisky


The exit from the airport was good as Rebecca got to use her Trunkie for the first time properly and it worked a treat to get het through the airport quickly, picking up lots of nice comments and glances on the way for the locals


The anticipated horrid underground travel lived up to my expectations when you have two kids, three suitcases, hand luggage plus a load of other bits. However we got through this eventually found our hotel and after a quick Thai meal were all in bed by 10pm, shattered!