Toronto Zoo

Having crashed out for a good night sleep, William had other plans of waking up at 4am for some milk and decided to throw it all up. Having finally cleaned up and woken up Rebecca in the process. We all finally managed to get back to sleep.

We were up and out the hotel by 10am and headed off to Toronto zoo. It was an enormous place and it was rather hilly in some places. 

Rebecca got to see her favourite animal the Hippos (large & pygnamy ones). Tony got to see the Polar bears and my favourite was of course the giant panda bears.

 We saw a lot of animals including the Canadian Moose (elk), grizzly bears, giraffes, meerkats, cougar, tigers, otters, hyena, Lynx, cloud leopard, tamarins, spider monkeys and a lot more.

The highlight was seeing the polar bears swim and being fed. 

Having spent nearly 8 hours at the zoo, we headed back to our hotel and found it was taped off the surrounding area. It turns out the tall spike on top of our hotel (Trump Tower) was the cause of it. No ideal and it took us a while to get back and driving the wrong way down a one way street was the only option

We finished our evening off by having a late dinner at a nice micro brewery restaurant which did a great white sangria.