Geothermal adventures

By Rebecca

It was the start of the day, Daddy woke me up at 9:30am we sat down for breakfast and had herrings on toast, and William had mini chocolate Weetabix.

By about 10:30am we were out; ready for our day of adventures. Our first sight seeing was walking (I know that sounds really boring but we were walking to an exciting sight). I saw a sheet of what looked like glass over a vast area but I realised it was ice, covering a huge lake.

I really wanted to walk over it! I couldn’t though but I did get too later.

Another great thing was walking (again) but through a lava field (it wasn’t real lava though it was obsidian I did a whole bit about it in the first blog) and they formed spectacular formations! They were amazing.

My personal favourite was the mud fields. They were beyond stunning for 2 reasons. The first is because of the heat; ever sat round a campfire and warmed your hands up against the flames? Well, this was even better; if you put your hands against the rocks that the steam was coming out off, it literally felt like a radiator!

My second was the colours on the mud/clay; seen graffiti before? Those artists use spray paint and the mud/clay looked like it was spray painted (but obviously it wasn’t). I would describe it as the galaxy on the floor!

We arrived near the caves, we got our gear on and we set of to the caves. As we looked into the caves, we saw pitch black, as we went deeper we saw a pool of water. Daddy was trying to find the water surface. Then daddy put his foot where he thought the water was below then as he did it he found that it was much higher than he thought it was, so he got his boot wet.

He felt it was very warm so Rebecca,mummy,daddy and me dipped our hand in the water and we felt the warmth. Then we saw other people in the caves and we turned back to the water. Then we took a photo of the water and Mummy,Rebecca and me because Daddy was taking the photo. Daddy joined us in the photo. We went out the caves and we went back to the car and drove off

By William

We also climbed a volcano! This was the most energetic thing we did all day. Near the end of the massive climb I felt like my legs were going to fall off my body. In the end we all made it to the top (it was like a hurricane up there it was soooo windy)!

For dinner we had burgers then after we went into the hot tubs and William and I kept of jumping in and out of them. Today was probably the most interesting by far!

Come back soon for tomorrow’s adventure