Dijon, Waterfalls and Moulliers

Got woken up by the bunch of kids early as they were rounded up to leave. Feeling rather shattered, we dozed back off again and got up later than we wanted. Surprisingly we managed to get all our cases and the Champagne in the car.

Several hours travelling, (Li even drove in France and Tony was VERY tense during the whole hour). We passed through Dijon (managed to get some Dijon mustard) and did a super fast tour of the town. It was very quaint and picturesque.

We then moved on to a place called Doucier, in the French Alps, to see a big waterfall. It was quite impressive. We then proceeded through the Alps through various ski resorts and somewhere in Rhone-Alps we found a restaurant to stop off for some food. The view from the dining area was spectacular overlooking Lake Geneva. The food was excellent and Tony had a strange starter which looked like shrivelled up plums but it was a type of mushroom called Moulliers cooked in white wine sauce – they were very delicious.



Finally made it through the mountains in the dark down to our hotel, not on an industrial estate this time but very close (about 25m) to the Swiss Border Crossing. Even the hotel was the same chain we stayed in Reims, it was much better.