Skiing and poker

Spent a lot of time in the ski shop trying to find Li’s skis; finally got another set for her then met up with some friends for some skiing. Skied a lot around Val Thorens, saw Amber (who is 4) in her ski gear – so cute.

The ski shop called to say Li’s skis have been returned; went to pick them up although the stupid Dutch woman forgot to return the poles. Had a very expensive lunch in a place called Le Goblet (Tony’s translation of the name). Weather is still amazing, sunshine & we are all burning; factor 20 isn’t strong enough, so went to get some factor 30.

After more skiing we retreated back to our apartment and slept (well, Li did). Tony went off to find some wifi and came across a bar called ‘Baramix’ – it wasn’t quite free wifi; Tony managed to guess their password.

Went up to friends’ chalet; played poker all night. Tony lost; Li, after joining part way through won quite a bit, shame it wasn’t real money!